Wednesday, 3 December 2008
final scene
I have changed the Biped footprinter and camera a few times because the walking pattern was not right nor was the camera. I finally got it right and am pleased with it. It was difficult to work with especially when turning but overall I am happy with my project.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Character and Animation
The character and biped are martin's. I just added the material and face
Firstly, I used the biped to test it to see if it worked before I added it to the final scence. The box and material (wood floor) were created and used omni for light and shadow. also biped was hided.
The test went well and I am pleased with it because it took me 1 1/2 hours to figure out how it worked. It was frustrated.
Friday, 28 November 2008
final finished project ymca house
I created a box for 4 walls and added "brick" material. The windows were created and duplicated from the boxes. The ground floor and stairs were again created from a box. Wooden floor were added. The roof was created by using vertex to pull the roof up and added tiles which were from the internet.
The pavement and road were created by using boxes. I added the colour grey for the pavement.
The sky were created from the plane and added stars from the internet.
The light were simply added by usig the cylinder and added lights from omni and duplicate it for the other side of the house.
The lights were added so it is bright and easy to see for the audience.
The final scene: An animation of me, Sean and Martin waving to the audience before entering the YMCA building.
animation testing....
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
final finished face project
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
final finished bedroom project
I created a box and duplicated it, scaled it down and cut by using Bollean and added the material – pine for the frame. I created another box and added green material for the background. 9 planes were created and scanned leaflets/photos from YMCA via Internet and a poster from Sean.
Animation testing.....
created lighting and lamp
I learned this step by step from Just added the material.
I created a long cylinder then extrude it large enough for the bulb to go in there.
I then created line and lathe for bulb.
I then created a cylinder and duplicated it. I removed the top so created a hollow cylinder for the light to show through.
I also designed a different shape as above but preferred the cylinder.
Monday, 24 November 2008
creat a bed
Added bed in bedroom
I created a box then duplicated another box for the mattress. The third box is for a pillow, I then applied the edit ploy –Ploygon. I created the “pillow box” to make it look like someone slept on it.
The last box was created for cover. This is a bit difficult because I tried to make it look realistic but hadn’t succeeded yet. I left it for the moment as I did not want to make it worst!!!